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My Teaching Portfolio
Hello everyone, this page summarize my teaching portfolio. Please browse the entire page or click here to go directly to the bottom page
Teaching philosophy
Course taught and course synopsis
List of textbook/software used
Lecture materials (click here)
Knowledge transfer - photo gallery/public video
Contact me
Teaching Philosophy
I am a straightforward person when it comes to teaching and learning. I will make sure to (i) respect my student - e.g., use a proper language and tone (ii) provide them equal and fair treatment regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. (iii) respond appropriately to the student communication - e.g., reply student email/question on time (iv) create harmonious learning environment (v) give 100% commitment to my teaching responsibility - e.g., cannot provide students with half baked lecture performance/lecture notes.
I think teaching environment should be comfortable (e.g., sufficient lighting, minimal disturbance/noise, proper temperature and air flow, etc.), relaxed, safe, and joyful. Under this environment, student will fell fresh, focus and motivated to immerse themselves to the classroom learning. Student may be able to absorb information better resulting in a more effective knowledge transfer. I would make use of available technologies to make sure that the material presented to students is palatable. I also believe that a structured and organized teaching is more effective and can prevent confusions to students. For me, unnecessarily long lecture hours should be avoided because student level of focus start to decline over time. For me, 40 - 45 min lecture is a good length. If I have no choice, I will make sure to have 10 min break before continuing the lecture.
Teaching is just just about knowledge transfer. It should not be exam-oriented as well. I as an instructor need to make sure that student able to think outside the box. I need to be creative in designing class assessment/in class practice to help foster student critical thinking. Open ended assessment with real world problem may help to improve student critical thinking. I should include real For me, the teaching should include practical and communication elements as well (how much depends on the courses). Since most of my courses involve the use of computer software (practical element) (e.g., using AutoCAD, Aspen Plus, Microsoft Visio, DWGSIM software), a continuous practice beyond class hours is required in order to obtain a complete mastery of the software.
Finally, I am a firm believer of having a two-way communication between students and instructor. I like it when student try to be proactive by asking relevant question and perhaps voluntarily answer the questions from me. A good communication can spark interest and prevent any misunderstanding.
Course Taught and Course Synopsis
Below is the list of courses taught by me in the past years:
Material Science (ECH-3101)
Course synopsis: This course covers the introduction to the concept of molecules and bonding, properties and types of materials, and issues related to engineering and material sciences. The course encompasses on advanced materials and the issues of economy, society and environment.
Learning outcome
Relate the concept of structure, perfection, weakness, and defect of material, as well as to differentiate types and properties of material
Relate stress-strain to estimate the mechanical properties of materials
Study the characteristics, processing and applications of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and advanced materials
Process Safety Laboratory (ECH-5516)
Course synopsis: This course encompasses assisted laboratory works to perform hazard identification process, quantitative risk evaluation and probability analysis related to process safety and loss prevention.
Learning outcome
Implement hazard identification process using specific method
Develop computer aided quantitative risk assessment
Suggest suitable loss prevention system
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Drawing (ECH-3907)
Course synopsis: This course covers the use of computer aided engineering drawing techniques for basic chemical engineering drawings. Identification and sketching of piping system and accessories are emphasized. The course covers basic engineering drawings in 2D and 3D.
Learning outcome
Prepare chemical engineering drawings using computer aided technique
Identify and sketch important components in process, piping, and instrumentations
Utilize computer software in producing process flow diagram in group
Textbook and Software
Materials Science (ECH-3101)
Askeland, D.R. & Fulay, P.P. (2013). Essentials of Material Science and Engineering (3rd Edition). Toronto: Cengage Learning
Callister, W.D. (2009). Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (8th Edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons
Callister, W.D. & Rethwisch, D.G. (2013). Material Science Engineering: An Introduction (9th Edition). New York: John Wiley and Sons
Shackelford, J.F. (2014). Materials Science for Engineers (8th Edition). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall
Shackelford, J.F. & Alexander, W. (2000). The CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook (3rd Edition). Boca Raton: CRC Press

Process Safety Laboratory (ECH-5516)
Cheremisinoff, N. P. & Davletshin, A. (2010). A Guide to Safe Material and Chemical Handling. Salem, Wiley-Scrivener.
Crowl, D. A. & Louvar, J. F. (2011). Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications, 3rd Ed. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall.
Haight, J. M. (2013). Handbook of Loss Prevention Engineering. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH.
Mannan, S. (2013). Lees’ Process Safety Essential Hazard Identification, Assessment Control, 1st Ed. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Schmidt, J. (2012). Process and Plant Safety: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH.

​Relevant software for ECH-5516
Aspen Plus process simulator
DWSIM process simulator
Tripod Beta
Microsoft Excel

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Drawing (ECH-3907)
Dimian, A.C., Bildea, C. & Kiss, A. (2014). Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes (Computer Aided Chemical Engineering). Amsterdam: Elsevier
Frederick, A.M., & Clifford A.M. (2011). Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation (2nd Edition). North Carolina: ISA Publishing
Gladfelter, D. & Finkelstein, E. (2013). AutoCAD. 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014. Autodesk Official Press
Thakore, S. B. (2015). Introduction to Process Engineering Design (2nd Edition). New York: McGraw Hill Education
and more

​Relevant software for ECH-5516
Aspen Plus process simulator
DWSIM process simulator
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft Excel
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Drawing (ECH-3907)
Course Syllabus, Course Description, and Teaching Plan
Please click link below to see relevant files for ECH3907 course:​
Course syllabus (click here)
Course description (click here)
Teaching plan (click here)
CAS (click here)
CAM (click here)

ECH3907 Practical Session, Mini Project, Quizzes, and Assignment
I have develop practical session and assessment to access affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domain of the students. I will look for more interesting example problem and mini project to further stimulate student minds, develop their critical thinking, and improve their communication and teamwork.
Details of my assessment can be found in the Microsoft Word document below.
Here are a few example of assignment, practical problem, quizzes, and mini project used for the course. I have more problem and assessment in my databank.
Practical Session
Example problem 1 (click here)
Example problem 2 (click here)
Example problem 3 (click here)
Assignment 1 (click here)
Assignment 2 (click here)
Mini Project
Quiz 1 (click here)
Quiz 2 (click here)
Quiz 3 (click here)
Mini project (click here)
Lecture Notes and Lecture Video
Here is the the list of lecture video relevant to ECH-3907 courses. The lecture is available in my YouTube channel which can only be accessed by the student.​
Lecture 1: Course policy
Lecture 2: Overview of an engineering drawing
Lecture 3: Using drawing tools
Lecture 4: Orthographic projections
Lecture 5: Orthographic writings
Lecture 6: Pictorial sketching
Lecture 7: BFD, PFD, and P&ID
Lecture 8: Demo basic AutoCAD 3D modelling 1
Lecture 9: Demo basic AutoCAD 3D modelling 2
Lecture 10: Demo basic AutoCAD 3D modelling 3
Lecture 11: Lecture summary

Lecture slides are also available to those enrolled in the course!!!
Innovation in Teaching
During Covid-19 pandemic and online learning has become the norm, I believe it is important to innovate, adapt, and modify the way I deliver the lecture content for the students.
One of my innovation for ECH3907 course is combining PutraBlast platform and YouTube video to prepare an interactive learning video. I also include music in between so that the video is not so boring and student able to view the video without losing focus.
To ensure the students follow through with the video, there will be multiple choice questions asked in the video. The score/marks obtained by the students will be recorded. Words of encouragements will pop-out if students able to answer the question correctly. Please check out the video on the left to see how it works.
Among other innovation I implemented for ECH3907 course is introduce the students with state-of-the-art software such as Aspen Plus, DWSIM, AutoCAD, etc. which can help the students to complete the work. Note that these software are very important in chemical engineering field. Early exposure of the software will definitely helps the students when they move up from year 2 to year 3 and finally to year 4.

Knowledge Sharing and Transfer
YouTube Channel for Chemical Engineering
I regularly upload video about Aspen Plus simulation and general chemical engineering video for the general public. I recently try to diversify my channel content by including videos related to other process simulation software (DWGSIM, Aspen Hysys, etc.), Microsoft Visio, and AutoCAD for chemical engineering students.
Consider subscribing to my channel!!!
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Click this icon to go to my channel

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