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Channel description: Aspen Plus & chemical engineering related stuff only

List of my YouTube videos 

Most of my uploaded videos are related to Aspen Plus process simulator. I also explore other process simulation software such as Aspen Hysys and DWSIM. I occasionally upload videos on AutoCAD and Microsoft Visio. The videos are arranged in descending order from the date it was published. Stay tuned for more videos!!!

1. Introduction to DWSIM process simulator (click me)

Video description: In this video, I provided a short description of the open source DWSIM process simulator and showed the graphical interface and important function of the software. I simulate a simple vapor liquid separation process using the software and then compared the stream result with the result generated by the Aspen Hysys

2. How to insert AutoCAD title block to Microsoft Visio (click me)

Video description: This is a quick demo on how to insert Title Block which is prepared using AutoCAD into P&ID drawing in Microsoft Visio

3. Investigate effect of compressor feed gas pressure on capital cost Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we investigate the effect of feed gas pressure on compressor power requirement. The gas to be compressed is nitrogen gas (1,000 kmol/hr) at pressure of 1 bar and 50C. The gas is then compressed to a pressure of 2.5 bar. We then evaluate the capital cost requirement of the compression system and compare the difference in capital cost estimation between Aspen Plus and correlation found in literature.

4. Specify nonconventional component coal/biomass in Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we try to specify nonconventional component (Coal) based on its component attributes (i.e., ultimate, proximate, and sulfur analysis). NC parameters are varied to obtain enthalpy, heat capacity, heat of combustion, and density similar to those of experimental values.

5. Drying of dolomite powder using convective dryer Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we simulate drying of dolomite powder using a convective dryer block in Aspen Plus. 1 tonne per hr dolomite solid at 95 C will be dried using hot air with initial temperature of 200 C.

6. Ethyl acetate production - equilibrium reaction in CSTR Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we simulate the production of ethyl-acetate from acetic acid and ethanol. The reaction is an equilibrium limited reaction with Keq of 4.5. Then, we perform sensitivity analysis to observe how reaction conversion changes as a function of CSTR reactor volume.

7. Flue gas desulfurization lime scrubbing RADFRAC Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we will simulate SO2 removal from flue gas using limestone slurry feed as absorbent in Aspen Plus. Flue gas containing 2000 ppm of SO2 will enter an absorption column (modelled using RadFrac block). The rising flue gas will meet with the falling limestone slurry feed in the column. Electrolyte chemical reaction will happen inside the column resulting in removal of SO2 from the flue gas.

8. Design pressure relief valve and rupture disc Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we improve the safety of our chemical processes by adding a pressure relief valve and rupture disc to the flowsheet. The pressure relief devices are applied for a different hazard scenario such as abnormal flow through valve and fire hazard. An appropriate orifice size and pipe size are chosen to ensure that the process is safe.

9. Synthesis of HDPE using Ziegler Natta polymerization model Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we simulate synthesis of high density polyethylene (HDPE) using Aspen Plus built-in Ziegler Natta polymerization model. The reaction is a high pressure liquid based polymerization reaction in a CSTR.  The feed contain ethylene as monomer, TiCl4 as catalyst and hydrogen as chain transfer agent. We analyze molecular weight and degree of polymerization of HDPE after the reaction.

10. Specify nonconventional solid with particle size distribution Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, we show how to input simulation of conventional solid in Aspen Plus. We also show how to add user-defined particle size distribution (PSD) values and introduce different built in distribution function in Aspen Plus.

11. Dehydration of natural gas using TEG in absorption column Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screencast, I try to simulate natural gas dehydration using triethylene glycol (TEG) to meet the pipeline specification. It is critical to remove water vapor from natural gas stream to ensure safe and reliable operation. Water vapor in natural gas can form gas hydates  potentially blocking the pipeline. Water vapor, along with CO2 and H2S cab form acid gas, causing corrosion of the pipeline. Natural gas is contacted with TEG inside the absorber. TEG later can be regenerated and recycled back to the absorber.

12. Natural gas liquefaction using PRICO SMR process MHeatX Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: Simulate liquefaction of natural gas using PRICO single stage mixed refrigerant process

13. Extraction of acetone using MIBK sensitivity analysis and design spec. Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In today's screen-cast, we simulate the extraction of acetone from water using MIBK. MIBK dissolves acetone but immiscible in water. Design specification tools is used to determine the required MIBK to obtain 95wt% water. Meanwhile, sensitivity analysis is used to observe the effect of MIBK flow rate on purity and recovery of water.

14. Water gas shift reaction RSTOIC, RGIBBS, REQUIL, and RYIELD Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screen-cast, we simulate Water Gas Shift reaction using Aspen Plus. In the simulation, we used four reactor blocks (i.e., RSTOIC, RYIELD, REQUIL & RGIBBS) and analyze the product outputs of these reactor blocks

15. Designing distillation column internal propylene/propane separation Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: In this screen-cast we designed internal structures (e.g., diameter, tray type, tray distance, etc.) of C3 distillation column. We also analyzed how changes in design and condition affect column performances. Finally, we performed column analysis to see whether the column operate at a safe and optimum operating region

16. Ethane cracking PFR with Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson kinetics Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: Simulation of ethane cracking to produce ethylene and hydrogen using Aspen Plus. RPlug block is used and the reaction kinetics is Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson kinetics

17. Reactive distillation of ethyl acetate using RADFRAC Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: Simulation of ethyl acetate production from ethanol and acetic acid. RadFrac block was used to simulate reaction and distillation that occurs simultaneously in a single unit

18. Methanol/water separation using 2-outlet flash column Aspen Plus (click me)

Video description: Using Aspen Plus software to simulate separation of methanol/water mixture. We generate Txy diagram for methanol/water mixture and we explore the possibility of separating the mixture using flash column block to obtain 99.5 mol% methanol in the vapor stream

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